In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hey everybody!!

I haven't written on my blog in a really long time. In the last month and a half, things have gotten crazy busy in the D'Sa household because Naveen is growing like a weed and develops new skills everyday. Chris and I are going crazy trying to keep up. He's turning 7 months old on Friday and he's already able to go from a lying down position in his crib to standing up in it. He can even hold on to the sides of the crib and get himself from one side to another. And, if you leave him in an open area on the floor, be prepared to go after him. He's almost crawling, but not quite. Right now he's doing what I call the "combat crawl" where he drags himself on his belly by gripping his hands into the carpet. Crawling is a week or two away. I'm scared. He's only 7 months old...what happened to being a baby?! At this rate he's going to be walking in the next couple of months and probably talking too!! Needless to say, we are BUSY keeping up with our active little boy. And did I mention two of his teeth already broke through? People said they grow fast, but I wasn't expecting it to be this fast!

In the midst of all this, I got a job and am going back to work. Yay! but I also have sad feelings b/c Naveen will be in daycare from 8-4 everyday. I'm very, very sad about that. What if I miss something? The good thing is that starting in August, my mom will be watching him 2 days/week b/c she's going to a 3-day workweek, working 12 hours each day. At least Naveen will be home with family 2 days out of the week when that starts. I wish so much I could stay home, but I have to go back because I need to finish my internship hours so I can get licensed. I have a year's worth of work to finish my hours and then I can sit for my licensing exam and have a lot more flexibility.

So what about the job? I'm going back to the same agency I was with, Hathaway-Sycamores, but in a new position. I'm going to be a therapist in an elementary school. I'm really excited about working with younger kids. And there are alot of perks - the school is about 7 minutes from my house in Pasadena; the hours are great, 8am-4pm; and it's close to Naveen's daycare. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I start on July 2.

So that's the latest in a nutshell. Chris is doing great at his job and all else is well. Hope you are too.

Love, Shefali