It's my first blog! I decided to create this blog for a few reasons: 1) I have a lot of time on my hands because I'm on maternity leave; 2) I figured it would be a great way to chronicle being a new mom and share moments (good and bad) with my friends and family; 3) Hopefully it will help other new moms to read it and see we are going through similar joys and struggles.

The other thing that happens sitting at home on maternity leave is that everyday I wake up and wonder, Is this the day? And at the end of the day when it's not, I get a little down and know I have to get through another day carrying this huge belly, having back pain, and finding more ways to get through the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm REALLY excited about the baby, but I have found that pregnancy is not all it's cracked up to be...and I haven't really had a difficult pregnancy. In the 9th month, what gets you is the day-to-day because all you think about is, WHEN IS HE/SHE COMING!? The mood swings also get to me and my husband because we've endured them for almost a whole year...time for some stability! For me, it's 11 more days until the due date...hopefully he comes sooner because I'm so excited to see him, hold him, and hug him.
Today I plan to run errands and walk, walk, walk. Apparently that helps labor begin and at this point, I'll try anything! Hopefully this blog is interesting to read. If you have any suggestions of things you'd like to read or see, let me know!
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