Hello all!!
Well he's FINALLY here!! After 31 hours of labor and an eventual C-section, Naveen Christopher was born on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 at 3:30am. He weighs 9lbs 13oz and is 22 inches long. He's a very happy baby and doesn't fuss. He's so calm! Right after the doctor pulled him out, he was alert and wasn't crying. I didn't hear him and I had to ask Chris during the surgery if the baby was alive and ok. The nurses eventually made him cry by spanking his bottom a couple of times. You can see all of the pictures at his website: www.naveendsa.com. Chris updates the website everyday with new pictures.
I'm home and recovering pretty well from the C-section. I don't even have time to focus on recovery because taking care of the new little one keeps me totally occupied. Thankfully Chris got 2 weeks off from work after the delivery so between the two of us we are taking turns feeding, burping, changing diapers, and putting the little guy to sleep. He's definitely got a personality and already holds his head up a little bit on his own. We are totally in love with him and are enjoying him. He's not fussy and doesn't cry unless he needs something, like food, diaper change, or sleep. I have to say, breastfeeding has been the BIGGEST challenge of motherhood thus far. It's frustrating and it's already made me cry because it's so hard to get the baby to latch on! The baby gets frustrated and cries because he has to try hard to get the milk out instead of just getting it so easily from the bottle. It's a training process for both of us and it's going to take time. I hope I can last through it and stay committed. It's the best thing for him and a wonderful bonding experience, but it's so hard!
The most fun we have with Naveen is watching his facial expressions. He loves to look around at his surroundings and when you talk to him, he totally stares at you like he's listening! The nurses at the hospital were totally smitten with him because he was so wide-eyed right after birth.
I'm off to shower since Naveen is sleeping. I'll keep posting during my breaks!
Well he's FINALLY here!! After 31 hours of labor and an eventual C-section, Naveen Christopher was born on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 at 3:30am. He weighs 9lbs 13oz and is 22 inches long. He's a very happy baby and doesn't fuss. He's so calm! Right after the doctor pulled him out, he was alert and wasn't crying. I didn't hear him and I had to ask Chris during the surgery if the baby was alive and ok. The nurses eventually made him cry by spanking his bottom a couple of times. You can see all of the pictures at his website: www.naveendsa.com. Chris updates the website everyday with new pictures.
I'm home and recovering pretty well from the C-section. I don't even have time to focus on recovery because taking care of the new little one keeps me totally occupied. Thankfully Chris got 2 weeks off from work after the delivery so between the two of us we are taking turns feeding, burping, changing diapers, and putting the little guy to sleep. He's definitely got a personality and already holds his head up a little bit on his own. We are totally in love with him and are enjoying him. He's not fussy and doesn't cry unless he needs something, like food, diaper change, or sleep. I have to say, breastfeeding has been the BIGGEST challenge of motherhood thus far. It's frustrating and it's already made me cry because it's so hard to get the baby to latch on! The baby gets frustrated and cries because he has to try hard to get the milk out instead of just getting it so easily from the bottle. It's a training process for both of us and it's going to take time. I hope I can last through it and stay committed. It's the best thing for him and a wonderful bonding experience, but it's so hard!
The most fun we have with Naveen is watching his facial expressions. He loves to look around at his surroundings and when you talk to him, he totally stares at you like he's listening! The nurses at the hospital were totally smitten with him because he was so wide-eyed right after birth.
I'm off to shower since Naveen is sleeping. I'll keep posting during my breaks!
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