Wow Christmas is over and the new year is 3 days away! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. Well...I say that now, but when I was pregnant the year went by slower than ever. At the same time, it was a fun, celebratory year what with all the weddings, showers, birthdays, and engagement parties we went to and/or hosted. I'm going to use this post to reflect on 2006 because it truly was a wonderful year.
I remember the first week of January when Chris and I sat down together to talk about some goals we had for 2006. Chris had goals for himself as an attorney, we talked about improvements we wanted to make to the house, I had goals for my career as a therapist, and we decided to start trying to get pregnant.

February rolled around and we took an amazing weekend wine-tasting trip to Paso Robles. We also celebrated Chris's birthday at the Saddle Ranch Chop House which was fun. That was the last time I had anything to drink.
On March 6, I found out I was pregnant. That was a really exciting yet scary day and I remember calling Chris with the good news. He was so calm and this aspect of his nature kept me somewhat sane throughout my pregnancy. We also realized that we had to go on our honeymoon soon because I wouldn't be in any mood or condition to travel within a few months. So, we started planning a trip to Spain.
In April, my close friends Deep and Anna got engaged which was really neat. They met through me at my graduation party in 2004. They went on one date that year and then didn't see each other again until my wedding in 2005 where they rekindled their romance. They continued dating after that and got engaged in April. The sweetest thing was that I was the first one they called right after Deep proposed to Anna. I was so touched and I cried on the phone when they called me. They set their wedding date for August 2006 and the planning began right away! I volunteered to throw her bachelorette party and started planning for that.

May was a very busy and exciting month for us. Chris and I FINALLY went on our honeymoon to Spain. It was an amazing two week trip. The only bummer was that I didn't get to taste authentic sangria because I was pregnant. Other than that, it was a wonderful, breathtaking trip I'll never forget. Three days after we got back from our trip, my brother's wedding celebrations began. He got married on May 28. It was a wonderful, sentimental day that I'll never forget.

June was a fun month because we went to a friend's wedding in New Jersey. I had never been to New Jersey so that was interesting. The wedding was amazing and Chris and I had a great time. On the way home, on June 11, I felt Naveen move for the very first time. That was an awesome and weird experience! The weekend after we came back from that wedding, we went to a reception at the St. Regis in Dana Point for the same couple. The hotel was awesome and beautiful. On June 28, Chris and I found out through an ultrasound that we were having a boy :)
July was a fun, mellow month. I threw a dinner party for some friends which was really nice. I

also went to Anna's bridal shower which was exciting. Anna is an amazing friend and has done so much for me. As a gift to her, I took all the pictures and created a scrapbook for her of the whole event that I gave to her at her bachelorette party. At the end of July I went to my friend Cheryl's wedding and that same night we also attended an engagement party for another friend.

August was another busy month and for the first time during my pregnancy, I actually began feeling tired, big, and bloated. The third trimester set in and I really felt it! But, I did my best to continue having fun and living life because there were so many fun things coming up! I threw Anna's bachelorette party with a western theme since she moved to Texas. That was a fun but sad night filled with a lot of good memories. Chris and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary (YAY!!!) by having a couples massage. That was relaxing and we had a wonderful day together. A couple of weeks later we went to Deep and Anna's wedding in Texas. We had a good time there and were happy to celebrate with them.

September was the month of 3 baby showers and a wedding. We went to a wedding on Labor Day weekend which was really fun but tiring for me. And
on every Sunday in September after that, Chris and I attended baby showers that people threw for us. We got so many gifts, ate a lot of good food, and had so much fun celebrating the special occasion with everyone.

So we come to October...I spent the first couple of weeks working really hard because my last day of work was October 12 and my maternity leave started October 13th. I spent the month adjusting to being at home everyday for the first time in my life. I've worked since I was 12 years old and have NEVER just stayed at home. I found it to be fun and relaxing, but I also got bored sometimes. Plus I was waiting for Naveen's arrival which got to be frustrating. The fun day this month was my birthday for a few reasons. Chris did something for me everyday for a week before my birthday. It was very sweet and cute. The actual day of my birthday was the same day as Chris's friend Tony's Halloween party. Chris and I dressed up and went to the party where I also celebrated my birthday. That was an interesting night because I was huge and ready for Naveen to get out!

As you can see in the picture, my costume was "a bun in the oven" and Chris's was "the bun maker."
November...well you all know what happened in November because I started the blog. The most momentous day of November? Hands down, definitely November 22...the day Naveen entered the world as our son. What a wonderful day that was and what an awesome Thanksgiving we celebrated.

And of course, December. Naveen's first Christmas and New Year's Eve. That's a picture of all of us in our Christmas pajamas on Christmas morning.
It's been an outstanding year and I can't imagine what 2007 is going to bring. What I know is that I'm really excited about it because it will be filled with joyful moments with my new family (Chris and Naveen), more great moments with family and friends, and if possible, even more happiness than we experienced this year. I can't wait!
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