I ate lunch today!! WOW! The last 3 days (Tues, Wed, Thurs) were HORRIFIC and I forgot to eat every meal except breakfast. Naveen had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. The doctor says he's very healthy and looks great. However, Chris and I got scolded by the doctor for giving him formula and breast milk. He got started on formula in the hospital because he had jaundice and had to poop a lot to get rid of the bilirubin, which is a byproduct of red blood cells trying to get rid of stuff (stuff being my blood). We found out in the hospital that my blood type is different than Naveen's and apparently this causes jaundice. After babies are born, their bodies try to get rid of the mother's blood and if the baby can't do it fast enough, they get jaundice because the bilirubin builds up. Anyway, he's fine. BUT, the doctor told me that I had to wean him off the formula and get him strictly on breast milk. So I promptly started to only breastfeed on Tuesday. He got it, but all day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday he was screaming and crying. NOTHING would soothe him and I spent all of those days crying and feeling depressed because I didn't know what to do. He wouldn't even sleep! On Thursday he was up for 12 hours straight. It was pure insanity. It was the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced because nothing calmed him. I eventually called the doctor on Thursday about a rash he has on his chest and she told me to do an experiment today. Basically I breastfed him and then gave him a bottle of formula and she wanted me to note the reaction. UMMMM...ever since he had the bottle of formula, he's been the happiest, calmest baby. He has slept today like a normal newborn; he's playing and enjoying himself. It's been great. I'm still going to supplement with breast milk, but I think we're going to feed him formula because it satiates him better. I think those 3 days when he was crying he was not full and was hungry all the time. Poor guy...I feel so bad for him. Thankfully today's been a much better day.
My recovery is going great. I feel good and am sleeping at night like a normal person!! I can move from side to side, get out of bed fast, and sit on the couch normally. It's a great feeling. I don't even care that I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed/change Naveen because I appreciate that I don't feel like a beached whale all the time. I went out yesterday to pick up some things from Target that we needed and I also went and got a manicure and pedicure so I could feel like a human being again instead of a breastfeeding machine. Chris watched Naveen which was so nice. I should mention that on Wednesday night Chris and I went out for dinner, thanks to my mom and dad. They watched him for us so we could have some couple time. It's so important to do that because you have to keep your relationship strong so you can support each other through the first few weeks. Plus Chris and I just really missed each other's company and friendship. We had a good time. We were tired while we ate, but we had adult conversation and some good Thai food. We're going to go out together again on Sunday because my parents have agreed to watch Naveen every Sunday so Chris and I can have some alone time. Plus they are excited to spend time with him too.
So, life has totally changed for us in a good way. I love Naveen so much I can't believe it, and if it's possible I love him more everyday. I can't wait until he starts talking and getting even more interactive. It's going to be so fun!
My recovery is going great. I feel good and am sleeping at night like a normal person!! I can move from side to side, get out of bed fast, and sit on the couch normally. It's a great feeling. I don't even care that I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed/change Naveen because I appreciate that I don't feel like a beached whale all the time. I went out yesterday to pick up some things from Target that we needed and I also went and got a manicure and pedicure so I could feel like a human being again instead of a breastfeeding machine. Chris watched Naveen which was so nice. I should mention that on Wednesday night Chris and I went out for dinner, thanks to my mom and dad. They watched him for us so we could have some couple time. It's so important to do that because you have to keep your relationship strong so you can support each other through the first few weeks. Plus Chris and I just really missed each other's company and friendship. We had a good time. We were tired while we ate, but we had adult conversation and some good Thai food. We're going to go out together again on Sunday because my parents have agreed to watch Naveen every Sunday so Chris and I can have some alone time. Plus they are excited to spend time with him too.
So, life has totally changed for us in a good way. I love Naveen so much I can't believe it, and if it's possible I love him more everyday. I can't wait until he starts talking and getting even more interactive. It's going to be so fun!
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