In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Monday, January 08, 2007

We had a great weekend! Friday night Chris, my brother, and I went to a pre-baptism class at the church where Naveen is going to be baptized. Chris and I decided we are going to raise Naveen exposing him to both the Catholic and Hindu religions (Chris is Catholic, I'm Hindu) because we respect each other's religions. This is something we discussed before we got married because more than anything, we believe it's important for Naveen to experience both religions and then make his own choice when he gets older. My brother went because he is going to be Naveen's godfather and it is mandatory for godparents to attend. Anyway, the class was pretty good. Brief, informative, and to the point. I understand the ceremony alot better and feel we will be more prepared.

Saturday was a fun day. Chris and I dropped Naveen off at my parents' house and spent the day together running errands, having dinner, and going to the movies. It was the first date night we had in a while. Before Naveen was born, Chris and I made it a point to go out alone together once a week and do something fun, like dinner, a movie, shopping...anything enjoyable. Since Naveen's been born I think we've done that twice, LOL. I think we'll be doing it more often now because we know how to handle Naveen better and feel more settled into our new life as parents.

Speaking of movies, we saw a great one on Saturday night. "The Pursuit of Happyness" was very good and I highly recommend it. It's a wonderful, uplifting story and I walked out of the theater thinking, "Man I can do anything I want if Chris Gardner could do this!" Jaden Smith (Will Smith's real life son) was really good and had the cutest lines in the movie. And Will Smith did an amazing job as an actor. I actually think it's a good movie for kids to see because the message behind the movie is inspiring and positive. Definitely go see it!

Sunday was a mellow day. I ran errands while Chris watched Naveen. I got Naveen's outfit for his baptism. It's so cute! We'll post pictures after the baptism so everyone can see.

Happy Monday!

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