In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Subject: Daycare

So let me talk about the RIDICULOUS business of daycare. I'm scheduled to go back to work in April and am having a horrendous time. Here's the quick and dirty story: After researching and visiting a bunch of daycare places and options, we put Naveen on a daycare waiting list in October at a place we really liked. They asked us for a non-refundable $125 deposit and told us that he would most likely get a spot in April or May. We said that was fine because that's when I was going back to work anyway. So we signed up. In January I got a call from the daycare center verifying that I still wanted to be on the list. I said yes and asked them how many people were ahead of me. They said 7, which means we had moved up because when I signed up they said there were 11 people ahead of us. I was happy with that and hung up the phone. So last week I called and asked them where I was on the list. They said there were 10 people ahead of me. Wait...what?! How can that be, I said. So the girl investigates and comes back to me and says that there is a sibling policy they have which gives other infants priority if they have an older sibling already attending their preschool/daycare. OK - what the hell dude?! So I got upset and she offered to let me talk to the owner. So I did, for half an hour, and expressed my complete dissatisfaction at this stupid policy. My feeling about this is that I'm being discriminated against because I don't have a second child. She goes on to tell me that if I had a second kid this wouldn't seem unfair to me...WRONG! This would still feel unfair to me because I have to go back to work just as much as the next person! Regardless of how many kids I have! So then she tells me not to worry because Naveen is on the waiting list until he 2 years old b/c I chose that option. I told her, Are you kidding!? I can't wait for 2 years for him to get a spot! I also got totally pissed at her because they never mentioned this stupid SIBLING POLICY to me. So you're thinking - why don't I just take myself off the waiting list, right? Well then I lose my $125. It's a total freakin' scam and I'm writing this post because I want people to read it and be aware of stupid scams like this. I also went and posted negative reviews about this particular place. I'm basically stuck b/c I don't want to lose my $125. I am looking for new places b/c obviously Naveen is not going to get a spot at this place before I have to go back to work. So here are the tips you should know before you start looking for daycare:

1. Start looking while you are pregnant, like we did.
2. Ask how long their waiting list is. If they say 9 months to a year, factor in some prenatal time into that, plus when you have to go back to work. For example, if you have to go back to work in June, put yourself on the waiting list the June before, seriously. Daycares have ridiculous waiting lists.
3. Don't pay non-refundable deposits unless you have absolutely no other choice. It's a scam that locks you in and makes money for the daycare regardless of whether or not you get a spot there.
4. Ask about all the policies that could affect your spot on the waiting list.

I'll keep you posted on the results of my dilemma!

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