New mom in So Cal

In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hey everybody!!

I haven't written on my blog in a really long time. In the last month and a half, things have gotten crazy busy in the D'Sa household because Naveen is growing like a weed and develops new skills everyday. Chris and I are going crazy trying to keep up. He's turning 7 months old on Friday and he's already able to go from a lying down position in his crib to standing up in it. He can even hold on to the sides of the crib and get himself from one side to another. And, if you leave him in an open area on the floor, be prepared to go after him. He's almost crawling, but not quite. Right now he's doing what I call the "combat crawl" where he drags himself on his belly by gripping his hands into the carpet. Crawling is a week or two away. I'm scared. He's only 7 months old...what happened to being a baby?! At this rate he's going to be walking in the next couple of months and probably talking too!! Needless to say, we are BUSY keeping up with our active little boy. And did I mention two of his teeth already broke through? People said they grow fast, but I wasn't expecting it to be this fast!

In the midst of all this, I got a job and am going back to work. Yay! but I also have sad feelings b/c Naveen will be in daycare from 8-4 everyday. I'm very, very sad about that. What if I miss something? The good thing is that starting in August, my mom will be watching him 2 days/week b/c she's going to a 3-day workweek, working 12 hours each day. At least Naveen will be home with family 2 days out of the week when that starts. I wish so much I could stay home, but I have to go back because I need to finish my internship hours so I can get licensed. I have a year's worth of work to finish my hours and then I can sit for my licensing exam and have a lot more flexibility.

So what about the job? I'm going back to the same agency I was with, Hathaway-Sycamores, but in a new position. I'm going to be a therapist in an elementary school. I'm really excited about working with younger kids. And there are alot of perks - the school is about 7 minutes from my house in Pasadena; the hours are great, 8am-4pm; and it's close to Naveen's daycare. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I start on July 2.

So that's the latest in a nutshell. Chris is doing great at his job and all else is well. Hope you are too.

Love, Shefali

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I was recently reading the April issue of Glamour magazine and saw this very important article about ways to stop global warming. I have not seen "An Inconvenient Truth", but I realize the importance of stopping global warming. Plus, the little things you can do make a huge impact. So, I'm posting the article from Glamour here so everyone can read it. Let's all do just one thing to help stop global warming. Here's the article:

The top 10 things you can do for the planet
By Lori Bongiorno

Odds are, you’ve been wondering how you can help our precious environment, but you may feel overwhelmed (even the experts do!). Yes, the news is bad: Everyone’s been consuming increasing amounts of energy—using a whole lot of electronic stuff, burning lights, you name it—and guzzling gas. This means that more carbon dioxide, one of the main culprits behind global warming, ends up in the air. Is it a coincidence that 2006 was the hottest year ever in the United States? Scientists think not.

Thankfully, the situation is reversible—and many solutions are simple and bite-size. “These problems are significant enough that we need to do big and little things,” says John Passacantando, executive director of Greenpeace USA. Start with a few of these steps—a list our advisers came up with. They’re in no particular order, but each will make a difference.

1. Change a bulb.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use about 65 percent less energy than regular ones—which explains why a big government campaign, “Change a Light, Change the World,” is pushing for them. CFLs cost about 30 percent more but last up to 10 times longer. Buy a “warm white” kind, and the light should look the same as usual (stores like Wal-mart and Kmart have them). If every Glamour reader switched just one bulb, it would prevent major pollution—the equivalent of taking 82,000 cars off the road a year. Speaking of which…

2. Drive a fuel-efficient car.

“Driving a gas guzzler (as many SUV models are) for a year produces 95,000 pounds of global-warming pollution,” says Kathleen Rogers, president of the Earth Day Network. Hybrids use less fuel and don’t muck up the air as much.

3. Even better: bike or take public transportation.
And best of all: Walk! It’s good for you and the environment.

4. One word: recycle.
You’ve heard it a kajillion times: Recycle plastic, glass, paper and cans. It keeps them from filling up landfills and saves trees and energy. “It takes 20 times more energy to make an aluminum can from scratch than from a recycled one,” notes Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense. But there are other things to recycle, including “e-waste”—electronic goods like phones and laptops (for info, see You can also recycle shampoo and lotion bottles; look for the triangular recycling label.

5. Clean green.

Ordinary household cleaners tend to have potentially toxic chemicals; pour them down the drain and they can make their way into groundwater (buh-bye, clean drinking water). There are lots of effective eco-versions out there, like Seventh Generation and Mrs. Meyer’s.

6. Eat local or organic.
Getting veggies from a farmers’ market saves fuel, because produce isn’t transported long distances. And organic farming keeps chemicals out of the soil and you. “It’s win-win,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president of the Waterkeeper Alliance. “You get better food and protect the environment.”

7. Buy energy-saving things.

Look for the “Energy Star” label on everything from computers to air conditioners.

8. Conserve water.

It’s in more limited supply around the world—including in the Western U.S.—due to increasing pollution and drought. “Fixing leaks can save hundreds of gallons of water a month,” says Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Also, try shorter showers.

9. Adjust your thermostat.
Move it down a degree in winter and up a degree in summer, and you’ll spare the air 500 pounds of carbon dioxide—and save up to 15 percent on energy bills.

10. Speak up!

Send an e-postcard to your Congressional rep at asking him or her to back legislation on global warming. Mention tips you liked from this piece to a pal. Tell Mom to buy a CFL bulb. But whatever you do, don’t get paralyzed by the enormity of the problem. “It’s not about doing everything,” says Laurie David, author of Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You!. “It’s about everyone doing something.”

Lori Bongiorno’s guide to green living comes out in spring 2008.

1. “Plastic bottles take a lot of energy to produce.” Most experts agree that bottled water isn’t any purer or safer than most of the nation’s tap H2O. Take your used plastic bottles (or, better yet, mug) and hit the faucet.

2. Watch out for "eco-friendly" stuff, but don't get scammed. Here are some things to watch out for:
Eco products are springing up like wildflowers. Good news—except that some companies are making unsubstantiated claims, known as greenwashing. The most common cons:

Bamboo clothes
A hot item at boutiques: sweaters and T-shirts made from this fiber. Sadly, though, it’s not all that environmentally virtuous. When a bamboo plant is turned into fabric, the process releases toxins into the atmosphere. Not good.

“Natural” stuff

These days, everything from cereal to laundry detergent is touted as “natural”—and often sold at a higher price. While the word can mean that something is made with truly natural ingredients, there are no government standards for anything except meat (where “natural” means there are no additives). Your best bet is to read labels and check for ingredients you recognize and that don’t sound synthetic or chemical-y (you can always go home and google anything suspect).

Organic fish
Sorry, Charlie: There are no guarantees that fish described as organic either at a supermarket or restaurant is free of pesticides or antibiotics, because here, too, there aren’t any government standards (though they are in the works).

…dry-clean clothes?
Probably not good for you, definitely bad for the environment. Fact: 85 percent of cleaners use a chemical called Perc that may be linked to cancer and reproductive damage, though there isn’t conclusive research. But it does pollute the air, and all that plastic wrapping takes lots of energy to produce. To protect yourself and the planet, you could “wet clean” (for locations, go to, click on “green shopping tips” and “innovative technologies,” then enter your zip code) or “carbon-dioxide clean” (visit for places). You can also ask to skip the plastic. If not, take clothes out of it and air for an hour, outside if possible.

…microwave in plastic?
It could be harmful to you and the environment. If a container’s not labeled “microwave safe,” check the bottom. See a number 3, 6 or 7? Don’t heat food in it; it has toxins that may seep into your meal, and it’s also less likely to be recyclable.

…cook in Teflon pans?
May be bad for you, definitely bad for the environment. Nonstick cookware is made with a substance that’s a probable carcinogen. But the biggest threat, experts say, is all the air and water pollution caused by the factories that make the chemical. So copper or aluminum are the more eco-friendly options, but there’s no reason to ditch anything unless it’s scratched.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Glamour for producing a great article! I'm so much more educated now.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I've been wanting to do a post about this for a long time, but I keep forgetting. I finally remembered to do it, and it's going to be sort of an ongoing post.

It's always helpful to know what baby products out there are really useful to have while ALSO being worth the money. A lot of times people register for things and don't necessarily end up using them. So, here's my list of helpful baby items(if you click on the item, you can go to a link on the web that displays it. Some links don't show are the exact item I bought, but is very close and gives you a good idea):

1. Bumbo baby seat: I like it because sometimes, Naveen gets really tired of laying on his back or his belly. This helps him sit up with support until he learns to sit up by himself. Totally worth the money.

2. Pacifier clip (aka pacifier leash): Make sure you buy one if you are going to use a pacifier, and make sure that it snaps on to the pacifier with snaps, not velcro. The velcro will come undone the minute your baby learns how to pull on the pacifier. I bought mine at Babies R Us for like $2. SO WORTH IT. Minimizes me having to wash the pacifier everytime it falls on the floor.

3. Graco Pack N Play playard/bassinet: This is a great thing to have because you will get 3 uses out of it. It serves as a bassinet while the baby is little so he/she can sleep in it. We put it in our room next to the bed so we could easily feed him and check on him at night. It also has a little changing table and a tray that hangs off the side where you can keep diapers and anything else you need. It's so convenient for middle of the night changings. Once you don't need it as a bassinet anymore, it can be the playard that you keep the baby in when you have to leave him unattended to do something. Definitely worth the money b/c you are getting 3 things in one: bassinet, convenient changing table, and playard.

4. Graco Swing: This is the greatest invention. When Naveen is cranky and wants to fall asleep but can't, I plop him in this and he's out like a light. Plus it's another great thing to snap him into when I need to cook or clean. It has harnesses so he's safe and secure. A must have.

5. Papasan: Another great item to have to help hold the baby when you can't or your arms get tired. Naveen falls asleep in this too. It plays music and vibrates as well. The vibrations are supposed to settle a baby's stomach.

6. Sleep positioner: This item will give you peace of mind. It prevents the baby from rolling over on his sides or tummy. It keeps him on his back, which is how the American Pediatric Association recommends babies should sleep to prevent SIDS. Because of this item, I can sleep at night knowing Naveen can't suffocate himself. Plus it's adjustable as the baby grows. Very handy. Side note: we have another sleep positioner that keeps the baby at an incline. This one is also very good. I recommend having 2 positioners, because babies diapers leak at night and if one positioner gets wet, you have a second available and can wash the dirty one.

7. Diaper Champ: Can't live without this. We throw all of Naveen's dirty diapers in here, and you can't smell ANYTHING. We chose this over the Diaper Genie because you can use regular trash bags, and believe me you need this option. We empty this thing and change the bag once a week. The Diaper Genie only takes its own trash bags. I recommend this Diaper Champ over anything. It's awesome.

8. Changing table: You have to get one. I don't know how I could have gotten along without one. Yeah, you could position the baby on the bathroom counter or a dresser, but if you get a changing table, you'll be able to store everything you need in one place. It also helps when you have a wiggling baby and can't afford to leave him/her unattended to go grab a diaper or diaper rash cream from somewhere else(plus, in that split second you walk away, you better believe he/she is going to pee everywhere). We even use this table after we bathe Naveen because it gives us a place to lay him while we dry him off, put lotion, and get his diaper and clothes on. And ours has a mirror at his eye level, so he loves staring at himself in the mirror while we get him dressed or changed. Very handy b/c it stops him from wiggling all over the place, sometimes. Get a changing table, it's worth the money. You'll use it to death.

9 & 10. Changing pad/covers: You'll need both of these things. The changing pad comes with straps so you can strap the baby in while changing. Keeps him secure. The covers are great. If he/she pees before you can get the diaper on, you just pull off the cover and throw it in the wash. I recommend getting two so if one is in the wash, you can put the second one on the pad. I have terry cloth ones and they work great.

11. Waterproof pads: These are the best because they are washable and save everything from getting wet or stained. We have about 8 of these and lay them everywhere Naveen lays. We have one in his bassinet, on the quilt he lays on when playing, his crib, one for our couch in case he lays with us, and on his changing table pad over the changing pad cover. If he pees, drools, spits up, or anything else, it goes on the pad which absorbs it. Then we wash the pad and it's clean again. It has really preserved everything and keeps all of his linens looking clean and new. It has saved our couch too. You gotta get these.

12. Fisher Price Aquarium: I wrote about this toy in a previous blog. Check out my post and get one. Naveen loves his.

13. Little Tykes 5-in-1 Adjustable Gym: LOVE THIS TOY. It keeps Naveen busy for at least an hour, sometimes more. It's adjustable as they grow. Right now, as a baby, he lays underneath and kicks the spinning ball and rattle with his feet which causes music to come on and the lights to flash. That helped him develop purposeful, controlled movement with his legs and feet. Now that he can reach the balls/rattles with his hands, we position it over his hands so he can learn to grab things and develop purposeful movement with his hands. It's an awesome toy. Totally worth the money.

14. Infant Carrier Toy Bar: We bought this to attach to his car seat bar. It keeps him busy when he is in the car seat. It plays 4 different songs and also has things hanging down from it so he can use his hands to play with them. Naveen loves it. A great thing to have to keep him busy in the car. I searched high and low to find something to attach that would fit on the carrier bar, stay attached, and keep him busy. Bought a couple of things before I bought this. This is the winner.

15. Baby Einstein DVD's: A must-have. They are about 1/2 hour each and a set of 10 is $100 at Costco. Buy it, it's worth the money. Naveen is completely fascinated by the videos, talks at the TV when he watches them, and of course, he is learning too. We let him watch one a day because we don't want him to watch too much TV. It's a great investment.

16. Crib sheet clips: These keep the crib sheet securely fastened to the crib mattress so in case the baby pulls on the sheet, it won't snap off and suffocate him. And they are super easy to install.

17. Stay-Tuct suspenders: When you put a shirt on a baby, it constantly rises up when you pick him/her up, when they wiggle, etc. They never stay straight on, unless there are snaps on the bottom. These solve that problem.

18. Summer Infant video monitor: This is an awesome monitor. It's audio and video. It took us 5 minutes to hook it up and voila! We could see Naveen on the screen, in color. It's obviously pricier than an audio monitor, but we bought it anyway because we initially had an audio monitor and I still felt the need to check on him visually. You never know when babies can pull blankets, bibs, or anything else over their faces and suffocate themselves. And the handheld has a stand and belt fastener so you can prop it on the counter or fasten it to your pants. The picture is very clear too. We also didn't have any interference problems, even though we have cordless phones and wireless internet running in the house all the time.

So far that's what I have. I'll be adding to my list as he grows. Hope this helps, especially if you are a new parent!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yesterday was weigh-in day with my trainer, along with it being my last session. Drum roll please....................I've lost 3 lbs!! Woo hoo! Plus, I've lost INCHES. I lost an inch off my waist, an inch from thighs, 1 1/4 inches from my arms and 1/8 of an inch from my forearms. I'm very excited and motivated to keep going. I actually lost 5 lbs, but 2 of those pounds converted from fat to muscle (my trainer did all the measurements and some calculations and came out with that) so they are technically not a loss. I'm really excited.

So Naveen had his vaccinations on Tuesday. He had the regular vaccinations, but I also opted to give him the new RotaTeq vaccination that protects him against rotavirus. This vaccination was just approved by the FDA last year and I read in one of my magazines that all children should get it because they get rotavirus really easily. And apparently the virus causes severe dehydration because it makes you vomit and have diarrhea like crazy. Little children then end up in hospital inevitably on IV to get rehydrated. I don't want Naveen going through that so I chose to have him vaccinated. I'm just a little worried because in very rare cases it can cause intestinal problems. So for about the next week I'm keeping a close eye on him. Hopefully it's ok because he has to get the second dose of the vaccination when he is 6 months old. Apparently the vaccination series cannot be started after babies turn 6 months old, so it's do it now or don't do it all. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So here's my weekly American Idol recap:

1. Haley Scarnato: Surprisingly good. She might just bring it. The song choice was very good for her because it was upbeat and actually kept my interest! I caught myself smiling while watching her this week. Still a wait and see for me, but I cannot tell a lie: I liked it. She tapped into her strengths. FINALLY.

2. Chris Richardson: Good. He's a little nasal-y (is that a word?) for me, but I liked it. The only thing I don't like about him is that he sometimes seems a little cocky. This is a downer for me. But, he's got the stage presence and this week he showed a different side to his singing which turned out really well.

3. Stephanie Edwards: She's ok. She won't win. She sounds too much like Beyonce, and we don't need another Beyonce. Plus she doesn't have that exciting stage presence. Tonight when she sang I caught myself updating my calendar. Side note: I really hope AI doesn't come up with another R&B artist. They're all starting to sound the same to me.

4. Blake Lewis: He's good, but I'm burning out on him. I need to see something new or different. I can't quite put my finger on it. And I'm not sure I'm liking the beatboxing thing anymore. The judges really liked his performance tonight, but I thought it was just good.

5. Lakisha Jones: She wasn't that inspiring this week. Some of the low notes sounded a little weird. I think she should have picked the other song that Lulu told her to sing. Simon nailed was a little old, like she was 60 years old.

6. Phil Stacey: Didn't like it. Or didn't like him. I don't know. I didn't really get into the running around the stage with the microphone thing for him. I think my problem with him is that I can't fit him into a genre. None of the songs he sings fits for me. I can't put my finger on it, I just know he's not one of my favorites. I don't know what the appeal is in him. I haven't figured out why America likes him.

7. Jordin Sparks: AWESOME, as usual. The slow songs tend to bore me, but she sang hers with a lot of soul and sexuality. The mood she conveyed matched the mood of the song. Nicely done girlfriend.

8. Sanjaya Malakar: OH GOD. What a freakin' train wreck. And the girl who was crying b/c she liked him so much...NOW WE KNOW WHO IS VOTING FOR HIM!!!

9. Gina Glocksen: Love the chick! And singing a Stones song...totally cool. But it wasn't her best. I feel like she could have a picked a song that showed her singing ability a lot more. I've liked every performance of her up until today. God, I hope she doesn't get eliminated. I don't think she will.

10. Chris Sligh: He was OK. The performance kind of bored me a little. He needs some UMPH in his performances. I need some WOW factor.

11. Melinda Doolittle: As usual, amazing. They should just give her a record deal and let everyone else compete.

I have to say, today's show was the best so far. At least everyone sang decently, except Sanjaya.

My prediction: Phil Stacey is gone this week.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I forgot to write about my excruciating experience at the County Recorder's office on Friday while trying to get Naveen's birth certificate. I saw a sign there that said, "Marriage Licenses and Passport Applications here" (above a different window than the ones for birth and death certificates). I got excited because I thought maybe I wouldn't have to go to the post office or the Federal Building to get the passports done, maybe I could just do them here! So I get to the window and here's how my conversation goes. It's your typical conversation with an annoying government employee:

Shefali (S): Hi. I need 2 copies of a birth certificate.
Clerk (C): OK. Please give me your application.
S: OK. Also, I see you do passport applications. Is that for new passports only, or do you do name changes here as well? I need a new passport with my married last name.
C: You have to have a marriage certificate to do the name change.
S: Yes, but do you process those here, or do you only do new passports?
C: We do passports on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
S: Right, but if I have the necessary paperwork, can you process an application so I can change my name on my passport?
C: You have to make an appointment and you have to have the passport application. (hands me a piece of paper listing the requirements).
S: OK so you do process name changes here?
C: You can go to the post office, they can do it there.

OK what the hell dude?!
Last week was a crazy week and the weekend was just as insane. Chris and I decided that we are going to take a trip to Bangkok, Thailand for a week in April. We're invited to our friend's wedding and really wanted to go, but weren't sure if we could afford to go. Then our friend told us that they are paying for 5 nights at the hotel and two tours of the city, so Chris and I decided that would make it a little more affordable. So we're going. It's going to be so awesome, I can't wait. The first night that all the wedding guests get there, they have invited everyone to a sunset dinner cruise to start the celebrations. How amazing is that going to be?! We're going to take Naveen with us because we want to, and to make things even better, my parents are going to the wedding too so we will have some help. So last week was crazy because we had to get everything in order and apply for Naveen's passport. And wouldn't you know it...I couldn't find his birth certificate. The friends of mine reading this know that I'm SUPER ORGANIZED. So how the hell did I lose his birth certificate? I turned the house upside down looking for it. So on Friday I had to go get another copy and I ended up getting 2. I'm going to put one in the safe at my parents' house in case we ever misplace our copy again. I'm doing the same thing with the 2nd copy of our marriage certificate. Anyway, I also applied for my passport with my married name, so now every legal document of mine will have my married last name. Thank God. That is such an annoying process. Now I have to start planning for the trip!! I'm so excited.

Last week I witnessed something interesting when I went to Whole Foods to get a sandwich for lunch. If anyone wants to leave a comment on this, feel free to, because I'm not sure if I what I saw was good or bad. I was at the sandwich counter and a mom with her 2 daughters were also ordering. They ordered their sandwiches and the older daughter, who was about 10 or 11, told the guy, "Can you make sure you put just light mayo?" Part of me thought, that's really good, she's being healthy. Especially in this day of childhood obesity being so prevalent. On the other hand, I thought, should she have to worry about light mayo, being so young? I don't know why she wanted light mayo, so that would make a difference too. Maybe she doesn't like mayo that much. Or maybe she is worried about how she looks. I don't know. It was an interesting thing to see because I've never seen a child be so conscious of something like that. Interesting.

And tonight, aaahhh, I can't wait - "Dancing with the Stars" is back!! Woo hoo!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Naveen has a bedtime: 9pm. YAY!!! Sometimes it's even earlier, like 8:30pm. When he was going to sleep at 10pm, he finally stopped waking up in the middle of the night. But all of a sudden in the last couple of weeks, he's been naturally falling asleep between 8:30-9pm. I'm trying to follow his natural lead on bedtimes, feedings, and interests b/c I don't want to be one of those moms who pushes things on him just because it's the "right" thing to do. I'll have plenty of opportunities in his lifetime to teach him the "right" things. Right now, he's young and he seems to be getting things naturally on his own anyway. Plus, I want to do things in stages. Now that we've established a bedtime, the next step in a couple of months is to move him to the crib. I've slowly started the transition by putting him in his crib for his naps during the day. Anyway, we're back to getting up in the middle of the night to feed him, but I don't care. I love the little guy, but it's so nice to have the evening to ourselves. I get to check my email, blog, or just watch TV. I can also finish up housework and get ready for the next day. It's great!

More good news: I lost a pound!! Woo hoo!! My trainer and I have a goal for me to lose 10lbs. I've lost 2. But as I wrote in a previous blog, losing weight is going to come after my excess fat has finished turning to muscle. Let's hope the weight loss continues.

So as I'm writing this blog I'm watching American Idol. It was a pool of mediocrity and a couple of really bad performances. No big surprise, Haley and Sanjaya were the worst. The guys are not that good. I just can't get behind Phil Stacey. I don't particularly care for him, I don't know why. I had high hopes for Brandon, but he ain't deliverin' these days. Chris Sligh was off, and he should have kept his glasses on. It gives him more character. You already know my feelings on Sanjaya. Blake and Chris - if I had to pick guys that I like, these 2 would be it. They are somewhat decent singers and have good stage presence. But as Simon says, this is a SINGING competition. They need to deliver more. The GIRLS - so much better! As usual, Lakisha and Melinda were the BOMB. Stephanie disappointed me. She sang one of my FAV Diana Ross songs, "Love Hangover", but she never went into the disco part. That's the best part! And her vocal was not her best - it seemed she was yelling a little too much. Haley - already said my story. Gina was totally good. Not her best, but she rocks, and the song choice, "Love Child" was awesome. I just love her vibe and I thought she picked a good song. Jordin - LOVE HER! She gets better every week...she's actually one of those contestants that goes through AI doing what she's supposed to do: take criticism and get better. She's awesome and has the cutest smile! Total star quality and the voice is good too. You go girl!

Signing off! Good night.