In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I forgot to write about my excruciating experience at the County Recorder's office on Friday while trying to get Naveen's birth certificate. I saw a sign there that said, "Marriage Licenses and Passport Applications here" (above a different window than the ones for birth and death certificates). I got excited because I thought maybe I wouldn't have to go to the post office or the Federal Building to get the passports done, maybe I could just do them here! So I get to the window and here's how my conversation goes. It's your typical conversation with an annoying government employee:

Shefali (S): Hi. I need 2 copies of a birth certificate.
Clerk (C): OK. Please give me your application.
S: OK. Also, I see you do passport applications. Is that for new passports only, or do you do name changes here as well? I need a new passport with my married last name.
C: You have to have a marriage certificate to do the name change.
S: Yes, but do you process those here, or do you only do new passports?
C: We do passports on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
S: Right, but if I have the necessary paperwork, can you process an application so I can change my name on my passport?
C: You have to make an appointment and you have to have the passport application. (hands me a piece of paper listing the requirements).
S: OK so you do process name changes here?
C: You can go to the post office, they can do it there.

OK what the hell dude?!

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