In 2006 I embarked on a new adventure...becoming a mom. This blog is about the pregnancy, aspects of life afterward, starting my life in a new role as mommy...and anything else in between.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I was recently reading the April issue of Glamour magazine and saw this very important article about ways to stop global warming. I have not seen "An Inconvenient Truth", but I realize the importance of stopping global warming. Plus, the little things you can do make a huge impact. So, I'm posting the article from Glamour here so everyone can read it. Let's all do just one thing to help stop global warming. Here's the article:

The top 10 things you can do for the planet
By Lori Bongiorno

Odds are, you’ve been wondering how you can help our precious environment, but you may feel overwhelmed (even the experts do!). Yes, the news is bad: Everyone’s been consuming increasing amounts of energy—using a whole lot of electronic stuff, burning lights, you name it—and guzzling gas. This means that more carbon dioxide, one of the main culprits behind global warming, ends up in the air. Is it a coincidence that 2006 was the hottest year ever in the United States? Scientists think not.

Thankfully, the situation is reversible—and many solutions are simple and bite-size. “These problems are significant enough that we need to do big and little things,” says John Passacantando, executive director of Greenpeace USA. Start with a few of these steps—a list our advisers came up with. They’re in no particular order, but each will make a difference.

1. Change a bulb.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use about 65 percent less energy than regular ones—which explains why a big government campaign, “Change a Light, Change the World,” is pushing for them. CFLs cost about 30 percent more but last up to 10 times longer. Buy a “warm white” kind, and the light should look the same as usual (stores like Wal-mart and Kmart have them). If every Glamour reader switched just one bulb, it would prevent major pollution—the equivalent of taking 82,000 cars off the road a year. Speaking of which…

2. Drive a fuel-efficient car.

“Driving a gas guzzler (as many SUV models are) for a year produces 95,000 pounds of global-warming pollution,” says Kathleen Rogers, president of the Earth Day Network. Hybrids use less fuel and don’t muck up the air as much.

3. Even better: bike or take public transportation.
And best of all: Walk! It’s good for you and the environment.

4. One word: recycle.
You’ve heard it a kajillion times: Recycle plastic, glass, paper and cans. It keeps them from filling up landfills and saves trees and energy. “It takes 20 times more energy to make an aluminum can from scratch than from a recycled one,” notes Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense. But there are other things to recycle, including “e-waste”—electronic goods like phones and laptops (for info, see You can also recycle shampoo and lotion bottles; look for the triangular recycling label.

5. Clean green.

Ordinary household cleaners tend to have potentially toxic chemicals; pour them down the drain and they can make their way into groundwater (buh-bye, clean drinking water). There are lots of effective eco-versions out there, like Seventh Generation and Mrs. Meyer’s.

6. Eat local or organic.
Getting veggies from a farmers’ market saves fuel, because produce isn’t transported long distances. And organic farming keeps chemicals out of the soil and you. “It’s win-win,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president of the Waterkeeper Alliance. “You get better food and protect the environment.”

7. Buy energy-saving things.

Look for the “Energy Star” label on everything from computers to air conditioners.

8. Conserve water.

It’s in more limited supply around the world—including in the Western U.S.—due to increasing pollution and drought. “Fixing leaks can save hundreds of gallons of water a month,” says Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Also, try shorter showers.

9. Adjust your thermostat.
Move it down a degree in winter and up a degree in summer, and you’ll spare the air 500 pounds of carbon dioxide—and save up to 15 percent on energy bills.

10. Speak up!

Send an e-postcard to your Congressional rep at asking him or her to back legislation on global warming. Mention tips you liked from this piece to a pal. Tell Mom to buy a CFL bulb. But whatever you do, don’t get paralyzed by the enormity of the problem. “It’s not about doing everything,” says Laurie David, author of Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You!. “It’s about everyone doing something.”

Lori Bongiorno’s guide to green living comes out in spring 2008.

1. “Plastic bottles take a lot of energy to produce.” Most experts agree that bottled water isn’t any purer or safer than most of the nation’s tap H2O. Take your used plastic bottles (or, better yet, mug) and hit the faucet.

2. Watch out for "eco-friendly" stuff, but don't get scammed. Here are some things to watch out for:
Eco products are springing up like wildflowers. Good news—except that some companies are making unsubstantiated claims, known as greenwashing. The most common cons:

Bamboo clothes
A hot item at boutiques: sweaters and T-shirts made from this fiber. Sadly, though, it’s not all that environmentally virtuous. When a bamboo plant is turned into fabric, the process releases toxins into the atmosphere. Not good.

“Natural” stuff

These days, everything from cereal to laundry detergent is touted as “natural”—and often sold at a higher price. While the word can mean that something is made with truly natural ingredients, there are no government standards for anything except meat (where “natural” means there are no additives). Your best bet is to read labels and check for ingredients you recognize and that don’t sound synthetic or chemical-y (you can always go home and google anything suspect).

Organic fish
Sorry, Charlie: There are no guarantees that fish described as organic either at a supermarket or restaurant is free of pesticides or antibiotics, because here, too, there aren’t any government standards (though they are in the works).

…dry-clean clothes?
Probably not good for you, definitely bad for the environment. Fact: 85 percent of cleaners use a chemical called Perc that may be linked to cancer and reproductive damage, though there isn’t conclusive research. But it does pollute the air, and all that plastic wrapping takes lots of energy to produce. To protect yourself and the planet, you could “wet clean” (for locations, go to, click on “green shopping tips” and “innovative technologies,” then enter your zip code) or “carbon-dioxide clean” (visit for places). You can also ask to skip the plastic. If not, take clothes out of it and air for an hour, outside if possible.

…microwave in plastic?
It could be harmful to you and the environment. If a container’s not labeled “microwave safe,” check the bottom. See a number 3, 6 or 7? Don’t heat food in it; it has toxins that may seep into your meal, and it’s also less likely to be recyclable.

…cook in Teflon pans?
May be bad for you, definitely bad for the environment. Nonstick cookware is made with a substance that’s a probable carcinogen. But the biggest threat, experts say, is all the air and water pollution caused by the factories that make the chemical. So copper or aluminum are the more eco-friendly options, but there’s no reason to ditch anything unless it’s scratched.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Glamour for producing a great article! I'm so much more educated now.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Interesting stuff and also scary stuff. Go see Gore's movie. It was very good!